I invite you to discover my secondary home when I am in Paraza: the Castle of Paraza.

I stayed in the castle of Baron Andre Jougla de Paraza for six years. Louis XIV also stayed there during his visit to see firsthand the progress of the works and to inaugurate the “Canal du Roi” or “Canal de l’Entre-deux-Mers” or even today “Canal du Midi”. To thank him for his hospitality, he ordered the construction of seven terraces leading down from the castle to the canal.


Go under the vault where the portrait of Riquet and other documents are displayed …

To advance to Challenge 4, find the sum of: the year of Delamarre’s entry to the Royal Academy + the year of PP Riquet’s death + the number of terraces that Riquet had built in thanks for his accommodation at the Château de Paraza

Year of entry to the Royal Academy = 1677

Year of Riquet’s death = 1680

Number of terraces  =  7

TOTAL = 3364